DMI is One of the Oldest and Leading Trend Agencies in the World

DMI Products and Services
Only those who anticipate the future will be ready when it arrives.
DMI delivers trend forecasts grounded in Big Data analysis and extensive expertise. By collaborating with the leading trend offices from all over the world, DMI’s trend forecasts become self-fulfilling prophecies.
Der DMI FASHION DAY bietet Designern, Produktentwicklern, Einkäufern, Fachhändlern, Vertriebsfachleuten und Journalisten der Mode- und Lifestyle-Branche eine ebenso umfassende wie spannende und differenzierte datenbasierte Analyse und Trendprognose zu Zeitgeist, Markt und Handel, High Fashion, Streetstyle und internationalen Entwicklungen.
Das DMI TREND BOOK zeigt die umfassende Expertise des DMI über kommende Trends in der Mode- und Lifestylebranche auf einen Blick.
Das DMI fashion color extracta© ist eine revolutionäre software, die das farbaufkommen in den internationalen women’s wear kollektionen objektiv auswertet, sobald diese in mailand. paris, new york und london präsentiert werden.
Unsere LIFESTYLE COLOURS, sowie die FOCUS COLOURS WOMEN und die FOCUS COLOURS MEN bilden als Trend Colour Cards eine wesentliche Basis für kreative Designs.
DMI SHOES & BAGS enthält sämtliche für Hersteller und Händler von Schuhen und Taschen relevanten Trendinformationen und -inspirationen für die anstehende Saison. Diese werden Ihnen und Ihrem Team in kompakten, multimedialen Präsentationen vorgestellt.
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DMI is a network of industry decision-makers that has developed over nearly a century. By becoming a member of this network, you’ll gain invaluable benefits that extend beyond just financial savings.

Carl Tillessen
Before DMI Carl Tillessen has been designing award-winning collections, while also establishing six stores, an online shop, and a cosmetics line under the label FIRMA. His book KONSUM has become a bestseller. As a business administration graduate and entrepreneur, he brings a keen analytical focus to DMI’s forecasts. Under his leadership, DMI continues to bring up the zeitgeist topics that keep you ahead of the curve.

Niels Holger Wien
Niels Holger Wien studied fashion at the Royal Academy in Antwerp and honed his expertise in trend forecasting under the guidance of Li Edelkoort. Today, he serves as the chairman of Intercolor, the international network of trend institutions responsible for setting global colour trends. To call Niels Holger Wien a colour guru would be an understatement—he is the colour authority on a global scale.

Bettina Hauff
Bettina Hauff has earned an international reputation as a trend expert, having successfully advised numerous European women’s wear companies. She embodies all the qualities of a top-tier trend analyst: a global perspective from her life as a globetrotter based in Paris, deep insight into the German market, a blend of fashion vision and commercial pragmatism, decades of experience, and an insatiable curiosity that keeps her at the forefront of the industry.

Winfried Rollmann
Winfried Rollmann is a true textile expert, with a lifelong connection to the industry that began in his childhood, playing among fabric bales in his parents’ textile business. Today, he serves as our key figure in Paris, navigating the city on his Vespa to attend fashion shows, trade fairs, and the Concertation Européenne, where fashion colours are decided more than two years ahead of the season.

Alexandra von Schledorn
Alexandra von Schledorn has developed a keen eye for the precise observation and analysis of fashion during her years as an apprentice and master at BURDA. She lives and breathes fashion around the clock, consistently demonstrating her expertise as a living “Brand Bible“ through her insightful reports. Anyone who were to wake her in the middle of the night—if she ever sleeps—would receive an industry forecast for the next day.

Regina Roth
Regina Roth has been the good soul of DMI for decades, serving as the central point where all operations converge in the back office. No one understands the processes as thoroughly and comprehensively as she does. Therefore, please feel free to reach out to her with any questions or concerns; we all turn to her for support.

Before DMI Carl Tillessen has been designing award-winning collections, while also establishing six stores, an online shop, and a cosmetics line under the label FIRMA. His book KONSUM has become a bestseller. As a business administration graduate and entrepreneur, he brings a keen analytical focus to DMI’s forecasts. Under his leadership, DMI continues to bring up the zeitgeist topics that keep you ahead of the curve.

Niels Holger Wien studied fashion at the Royal Academy in Antwerp and honed his expertise in trend forecasting under the guidance of Li Edelkoort. Today, he serves as the chairman of Intercolor, the international network of trend institutions responsible for setting global colour trends. To call Niels Holger Wien a colour guru would be an understatement—he is the colour authority on a global scale.

Bettina Hauff has earned an international reputation as a trend expert, having successfully advised numerous European women’s wear companies. She embodies all the qualities of a top-tier trend analyst: a global perspective from her life as a globetrotter based in Paris, deep insight into the German market, a blend of fashion vision and commercial pragmatism, decades of experience, and an insatiable curiosity that keeps her at the forefront of the industry.

Winfried Rollmann is a true textile expert, with a lifelong connection to the industry that began in his childhood, playing among fabric bales in his parents’ textile business. Today, he serves as our key figure in Paris, navigating the city on his Vespa to attend fashion shows, trade fairs, and the Concertation Européenne, where fashion colours are decided more than two years ahead of the season.

Alexandra von Schledorn has developed a keen eye for the precise observation and analysis of fashion during her years as an apprentice and master at BURDA. She lives and breathes fashion around the clock, consistently demonstrating her expertise as a living “Brand Bible“ through her insightful reports. Anyone who were to wake her in the middle of the night—if she ever sleeps—would receive an industry forecast for the next day.

Regina Roth has been the good soul of DMI for decades, serving as the central point where all operations converge in the back office. No one understands the processes as thoroughly and comprehensively as she does. Therefore, please feel free to reach out to her with any questions or concerns; we all turn to her for support.